w sample.png

Silken Alphabet

As a study of coding in Adobe Illustrator, I created an alphabet based on the typeface Neuzeit Grotesk. The script that I ran in Illustrator made every possible combination of triangle using the points of each letter and filled the triangles with a random color.

silken alphabet day.png
  The code didn't do all the work. Through the studies I discovered that the color of the original letterform augmented how the overlapping triangles appeared. The day and night versions, above and below respectively, show how different types and amo

The code didn't do all the work. Through the studies I discovered that the color of the original letterform augmented how the overlapping triangles appeared. The day and night versions, above and below respectively, show how different types and amounts of opacities created a color interaction between each shape depending on the background.

  Sometimes the original underlying letterforms are visible, sometimes they aren't. Each letter has a unique amount visibility and readability depending on the amount of points and background color.

Sometimes the original underlying letterforms are visible, sometimes they aren't. Each letter has a unique amount visibility and readability depending on the amount of points and background color.

i sample.jpg
silken alphabet night.png
Push Pull.png